Cancel Pending Requests
If you initiated a business request for items that have yet to be approved or have access to cancel requests submitted by others, you can cancel those requests by following the below steps.
Cancel pending requests as initiator
Navigate to the My Tasks App portal for your organization.
In My Tasks, select My Requests and enter any relevant search text into the search field to filter your requests as needed.
Click the Pending Item button for the pending business request you want to cancel.
In the Overview tab of the card that appears for the pending item, click the Cancel Request button.
Click the Confirm button.
Cancel requests initiated by others
Navigate to the My Tasks App portal for your organization as a user with access to cancel a pending Business Request or request item.
In My Tasks, select To Do (if you are an approver of the request) or All and search for the request you want to cancel.
Click Pending Item for the request.
From the Overview tab of the card that appears for the pending item, click the Cancel Request button.
If you do not see the Cancel Request button, you do not have access to cancel the request.Confirm your decision.