Manage Management Roles

Manage Management Roles

In EmpowerID, Management Roles are collections of operational capabilities. They are packaged as job-based bundles that let you make quick and easy bulk assignments of resources to users that match what they do in your organization. Think of Management Roles as a more powerful version of groups that

  • can grant access across platforms and

  • are not limited to granting access to one application or operating system.

EmpowerID includes a number of Management Roles that you can assign to people out of the box, and you can create new ones as needed. Managing management roles efficiently is crucial for allocating resources and controlling access to different platforms and applications. EmpowerID has modernized the process of managing these roles through self-service wizard workflows and an improved user experience. The efficient management of management roles through EmpowerID is essential for creating a secure, efficient, and compliant organization.








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