Check in Shared Credentials

Check in Shared Credentials

If you have checked out a shared credential and want to check in the credential before the allotted period of time granted to you expires, you can manually do so. Once a shared credential is checked in, you must submit a new request to access the credential again. If you do not manually check in the shared credential, it will be automatically checked in for you by the system after the time period expires.

Most likely your organization has a policy for the shared credential that mandates the password for that credential be rotated by the system. This means once you check in the shared credential, the password you used will no longer be valid.

Check in a shared credential

  1. On the navbar, expand Privileged Access and select Request Access.

  2. Select the Check-Out Records tab and then search for the shared credential you want to manually check in.


  3. Click the CheckIn icon for the shared credential.


  4. Click Yes to confirm the check-in.

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