Start Computer Sessions

Start Computer Sessions

Once your request for a computer session is approved, you can start the session. When you start the session, the shared credential for the computer gets checked out to you. 

Start a computer session

  1. On the navbar, expand Privileged Access and click Request Access.


  2. Select the Computers tab and Show All.

  3. Search for the computer to which you to start a session.

  4. Click the Connect icon and under Start A Session click the Login As: button.

    This opens a Privileged Session Manager (PSM) in a separate browser tab.


  5. Enter your Master Password and click Submit.

    Your session begins and the record is now checked out to you.

Your session will last for the requested period of time; however, if you finish your work before your session completes, you can end the session by manually checking in the record.

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