Introduction to Fulfillment Workflow

Introduction to Fulfillment Workflow

Fulfillment workflows are a feature in EmpowerID designed to fulfill the actions to be taken once a business request item has been processed and a decision has been made. Depending on the decision made, the configured fulfillment workflow can be developed to execute actions such as provisioning, de-provisioning, disabling, deleting, or any other action necessary in response to the decision made in the business request item. The fulfillment workflows are designed to run in the background and provide status updates to the business request item to indicate whether the fulfillment has been completed.

Overview of Fulfillment Workflows

A Business Request can consist of multiple Business Request items in EmpowerID, each of which may have associated Item Type Actions. By linking the fulfillment workflow with these item-type actions, you enable the automated execution of workflow for fulfillment. By design, the fulfillment workflow is best suited for No Code Flows, although it can also be triggered or executed from other EmpowerID workflows.

The role of Business Request Fulfillment is to execute the actions associated with approved Business Request Items. This is accomplished through fulfillment workflows, which are triggered by a background job that continuously monitors the system. Each Business Request Item has a corresponding Item Type Action that defines the specific action to be performed (e.g., "Disable Account"). The background job identifies the correct fulfillment workflow based on the Item Type Action of each item and initiates its execution to implement the requested changes.

The fulfillment workflow is designed to receive a list of business request items called TargetBusinessRequestItem. These items need to be fulfilled, and to do that, the fulfillment workflow retrieves all relevant business request items and gathers the necessary data to execute the specified actions. Within the fulfillment workflow, the logic required to perform the desired actions or tasks on each item for the fulfillment is embedded. Once initiated, the fulfillment workflow operates autonomously in the background and executes the specified actions without requiring manual intervention. The fulfillment workflow should update the business request item status to indicate the fulfillment status and show if all actions were executed successfully.

For example, let's say there's a business request with multiple items, each with an item type action to delete or disable all associated accounts within the business request items. In such cases, the fulfillment workflow comes into play. We integrate the necessary logic into the fulfillment workflow to handle these scenarios seamlessly. When the fulfillment workflow kicks in, it locates all accounts associated with each business request item and executes the deletion or disabling process.

Steps in Fulfillment Workflow.jfif
Typical Steps in a Fulfillment Workflow


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