Active Directory

EmpowerID provides an out-of-the-box connector for Microsoft Active Directory that inventories and performs CRUD (Create, Update, Delete) operations for user, contact, group, user/group assignments, and Organizational Unit objects in the domain using standard Microsoft LDAP and Kerberos commands.  The system understands parent/child domain relationships and domain trust configurations as well so that you can manage cross-domain memberships in groups. 

The Account Store connection is configured through the UI by running the Create Account Store workflow from the Admin à Applications and Directories à Account Stores and Systems page.  During the configuration workflow, you will enter the basic information to allow the system to connect to the target domain.  The workflow will then establish the connection and inventory the OU structure of the domain and return you to the Account Store list so you can then bring up and complete the configuration of the remaining parameters.  The following section walks you through the basic setup of an AD account store.

  1. Once you initiate the workflow, you will need to select the type of system you will be connecting to. In this case, you will search for and select the Active Directory Domain Services system type.

  2. The next screen is where you will enter the basic connectivity information for the target domain you want to connect to. This is the screen where you will also let the system know if you are connecting to a local AD domain or a remote domain that requires the Cloud Gateway.


  3. After the workflow connects to the target domain and creates the basic account store definition, you will need to then edit the account store to complete the configuration of the various settings, and job schedules for the account store.

    The following table provides a detailed description of the various configuration parameters for an Active Directory Account store.

For a detailed step-by-step description of the setup and configuration of an AD account store, see the article Active Directory (On Premise) in our online documentation.


Connecting to a local Active Directory Domain



Connecting to Active Directory through the Cloud Gateway

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