Attribute Policies

Attribute Policies

Attribute policies, also known as “Default Attribute Policies,” are policies that allow you to automate the attribute values of any EmpowerID Person and flow those attributes to that Person's linked accounts in both EmpowerID and all external account stores targeted by the Attribute policy.

Default Attribute Values policies can be targeted against any number or combination of Management Roles, groups, Business Roles and Locations, Query-Based collections, and individual people. For example, you could:

  1. Create a Default Attributes Values policy that specifies that the Title attribute be set to "Contractor" for anyone assigned to the policy

  2. Assign the policy to a "Contractors" group.

EmpowerID would then set the Title attribute to Contractor for each Person in that group and flow those changes to the corresponding attribute on each Person's user account in both EmpowerID and the external account store targeted by the policy.

Attribute policies can be configured to always overwrite changes occurring in the external system. When configured this way, any changes to the specified attribute originating in the external system will be reverted back to the value specified by the policy.

Always Overwrite property for Attribute policy


Attribute policies can be viewed and created in EmpowerID by navigating to Admin > Policies > Default Attribute Values.

Key Takeaways:

  1. Attribute policies allow you to automate the flow of attribute values of any person.

  2. Attribute policies can be targeted against any number or combination of Management Roles, groups, and Business Roles and Locations.

  3. It can also be used for query-based collections and individual people as well.