Sonepar Upgrade 2022

Sonepar Upgrade 2022


  • Installed the pre-requisites




  • Installed the version: on the app server.


  • installed the database on the app server.


  • the configurator settings were saved properly.

  • Admin permissions have been set on the account.



  • When we try to browse the web UI, getting error: [500 - Internal server error]

  • trying to install the pending pre-requisites, by running the command: Add-WindowsFeature Web-Server,Web-Basic-Auth,Web-Windows-Auth,Web-Cert-Auth,Web-Url-Auth,Web-Http-Errors,Web-Net-Ext,Web-Net-Ext45,WAS-Process-Model,Web-Dyn-Compression,NET-HTTP-Activation,Web-Mgmt-Console,Web-HTTP-Redirect,Web-Asp-Net45,NET-WCF-HTTP-Activation45,

  • we get the error: Argument not Valid, while trying to run the above command.

  • when we try to add from the server manager, we get error: “the request to add or remove features on the specified server failed.”

  • still no change on the error of the web UI.