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Create a Person
A person is the base identity object that EmpowerID uses to link together the user accounts, the permissions assignments, the audit history, and the management policies associated with a specific user. You can easily create a new person using the EmpowerID Chatbot by following the steps below.
Supported Commands: The Chatbot can understand texts and sentences like add new person, create a new person, and will start the Create a Person workflow. Please find information about the supported commands here in the docs Chatbot Commands .
Type help in the Bot to bring the options menu.
Click on the Create a New Person button.
Please Provide the details to create the person, and click on submit.
First Name:
Last Name:
You will be asked to enter the person’s business role Name. Please provide the name and click on submit. The Bot will ask you to choose among available roles if there are matching names.
After the business role, Bot will ask you to enter the location or the OrgZone for the person. If the entered location name doesn’t exactly match the location name, the Bot will ask you to select a location from the matching location names.
The bot will display a message stating, “Your request has been processed successfully. Thank you!“. A person is created in EmpowerID with the given details.