Resetting User Passwords with the CRUD Runner
Administrators can use the CRUD Runner to reset user passwords when necessary. This function allows for quick recovery in cases where users forget their credentials or require a password change due to security policies. The password reset process ensures that users can regain access to their accounts while adhering to organizational security standards.
Navigate to the endpoint configured for the CRUD Runner.
If you are not authenticated, you will be directed to Keycloak.
Enter your credentials in Keycloak and sign in.
After authenticating, you are directed to the CRUD Runner.
Under Pages, search for OCG - OpendLDAP and click the tile for that page.
This opens the page for managing OpenLDAP users and groups in your organization. You can create, modify, or delete user accounts and manage their authentication credentials from this page.
Search for the target user and click their record to enable the contextual actions.
Click the Reset Password action.
This opens the OCG - OpenLDAP Reset Password form.Enter the New Password and click Submit.
You should see a message stating that the workflow was completed successfully. The user should be able to log in to the system using the new password.