Modifying User Attributes with the CRUD Runner
The CRUD Runner allows administrators to update key user attributes, ensuring that identity records remain accurate and up to date. Administrators can modify details such as job titles and email addresses as needed through its interface. This functionality helps maintain consistency across systems and ensures that users have the correct information associated with their accounts.
Navigate to the endpoint configured for the CRUD Runner.
If you are not authenticated, you will be directed to Keycloak.
Enter your credentials in Keycloak and sign in.
After authenticating, you are directed to the CRUD Runner.
Under Pages, search for OCG - OpenLDAP and click the tile for that page.
This opens the page for managing OpenLDAP users and groups in your organization. You can create, modify, or delete user accounts and manage their authentication credentials from this page.
Search for the target user and click their record to enable the contextual actions.
Click the Modify User action.
This opens the OCG - OPenLDAP Modify User form.Modify available attributes as needed and click Submit. Please note that you can only modify the Job Title and Email Address attributes.
You should see a message stating the modification was completed successfully.After the workflow is completed, you should see the record has been updated to reflect the modifications.