Manually Delete User Accounts

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Manually Delete User Accounts

If you need to delete user accounts that are stale, orphaned, or otherwise unnecessary and do not have an automated policy in place for removal, you can manually delete them using the ManageAccountWizard workflow. This workflow provides a straightforward, centralized method for managing user accounts, including the option to manually delete accounts when needed.


  1. On the navbar, expand Identity Administration and select User Accounts.

  2. Click the Manage Account Wizard action.



  3. Search for the user account you want to delete and then check the box beside the record returned for the account.



  4. Repeat step 3 for any other user accounts you need to delete.

  5. Click Next to proceed.


  6. Select Delete user accounts and then click Next to proceed.


  7. Click Submit to close the Operation Execution Summary.


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