You are viewing an earlier version of the admin guide. For the latest version, please visit EmpowerID Admin Guide v7.211.0.0.
Assign Permissions to the App Service
As the app service you created for the Azure AD SCIM microservice calls Microsoft Graph, you need to assign to the service principal permissions required for your use case. You assign these permissions using the Azure Cloud Shell, which is a browser-accessible shell for managing Azure resources.
Please note that Azure Cloud Shell requires an Azure file share to persist files. Using Azure Cloud Shell requires a storage account, which Azure creates for you on first use of the shell. This will incur a small monthly cost.
To assign permissions to the service principal, you need to complete the following tasks:
Start an Azure Cloud Shell session.
Run the permissions script included in this topic.
Set Permissions
In Azure, select Cloud Shell.
Select PowerShell as the script language.
From the shell, open the editor.
Copy the below script and paste it into the editor.
$webApp=<"Web-App-Name"> $sprincipal_id=$(az resource list -n $webApp --query [*].identity.principalId --out tsv) $graphResourceId=$(az ad sp list --display-name "Microsoft Graph" --query [0].id --out tsv) $uri="$sprincipal_id/appRoleAssignments" $PermissionsToAdd = @("Directory.Read.All","Organization.Read.All", "User.Read.All", "Group.Read.All", "GroupMember.Read.All", "Reports.Read.All", "AuditLog.Read.All","Policy.Read.All","Policy.ReadWrite.ConditionalAccess","Application.Read.All","Domain.Read.All" ) $PermissionsToAdd | foreach { $appRoleId=$(az ad sp list --display-name "Microsoft Graph" --query "[0].appRoles[?value=='$($_)' && contains(allowedMemberTypes, 'Application')].id" --output tsv) $body="{'principalId':'$sprincipal_id','resourceId':'$graphResourceId','appRoleId':'$appRoleId'}" az rest --method post --uri $uri --body $body --headers "Content-Type=application/json" }
The editor should look similar to that shown below. The value of $PermissionsToAdd will differ according to your permissions.Set the value of
to the name of the app service you created to host the Azure AD SCIM microservice.$webApp="The name of your app service"
Save the script as
Back in the shell, return the name of the subscription with the app service.
az account show
Copy the name.
Run the below command to set the subscription name to the value you just copied.
az account set -s "Your Subscripton Name"
Run the permissions script.
Table 1: Permissions
Graph API Least Privileged Permission | Access Granted by Permissions |
Group.Read.All | Get group |
User.Read.All | List users |
Group.Create | Create group |
User.ReadWrite.All | Create User |
User.Read.All | Get delta (group) |
User.Read.All | Get delta (user) |
Contacts.Read | Get contact |
Application.ReadWrite.OwnedBy | Get application |
Directory.Read.All | Get appRoleAssignment |
RoleManagement.Read.Directory | List members |
RoleManagement.ReadWrite.Directory | Add or Remove directory role member |
Group.Read.All | Get group |
Group.ReadWrite.All | Delete group |
Group.ReadWrite.All | Update group |
Application.ReadWrite.OwnedBy | Get servicePrincipal |
Application.ReadWrite.OwnedBy | Delete servicePrincipal |
Application.ReadWrite.OwnedBy | Update servicePrincipal |
User.ReadWrite.All | Create a User |
User.Read.All | Get a User |
User.ReadWrite.All | Delete a user |
User.ReadWrite.All | Update a user |
RoleManagement.Read.Directory | List members |
RoleManagement.Read.Directory | List unifiedRoleDefinitions |
RoleManagement.Read.Directory | Get directoryRole |
RoleManagement.ReadWrite.Directory | Activate directoryRole |
RoleManagement.ReadWrite.Directory | Add or Remove member |
Directory.Read.All | List domains |
User.Read.All | List members |
GroupMember.ReadWrite.All | Add members |
Group.Read.All | Get delta (group) |
User.Read.All | Get delta (user) |
Organization.Read.All | Get subscribedSku |
Application.ReadWrite.OwnedBy | Get service principal |
RoleManagment.Read.Directory | Get unifiedRoleAssignment |
AuditLog.Read.All | List sign-ins |
Group.Read.All | Get group |
Group.ReadWrite.All | Delete group |
Group.ReadWrite.All | Update group |
User.Read.All | Get a User |
User.Read.Write.All | Update a User |
User.ReadWrite.All | Delete a user |
Directory.AccessAsUser.All | Update a User |
Microsoft.ManagedIdentity/userAssignedIdentities/write | User Assigned Identities - Create |
Microsoft.Authorization/roleAssignments/write | Role Assignments - Create |
Microsoft.Authorization/roleAssignments/read | Role Assignments - Delete |
Microsoft.Authorization/classicAdministrators/read | Classic Administrators - List |
Microsoft.ManagedIdentity/userAssignedIdentities/read | User Assigned Identities - List By Resource Group / Subscription |
Microsoft.ManagedIdentity/userAssignedIdentities/delete | User Assigned Identities - Delete |
Microsoft.ManagedIdentity/userAssignedIdentities/write | User Assigned Identities - Create Or Update (UPDATE) |
Microsoft.Authorization/roleAssignments/read | Role Assignments - Get |
Microsoft.Authorization/roleAssignments/delete | Role Assignments - Delete |
Microsoft.Authorization/roleAssignments/write | Role Assignments - Create |
Microsoft.Authorization/roleDefinitions/read | Role Definitions - Get |
Microsoft.Authorization/roleDefinitions/write | Role Definitions - Create |
Microsoft.Authorization/roleDefinitions/delete | Role Definitions - Delete |
Microsoft.Authorization/roleDefinitions/write | Role Definitions - Update |
Microsoft.ManagedIdentity/userAssignedIdentities/read | User Assigned Identities - List By Resource Group / Subscription |
Microsoft.Management/managementGroups/read | Management Groups - Get |
Microsoft.Management/managementGroups/read | Management Groups - Get |
Microsoft.Resources/subscriptions/resourceGroups/read | Resource Groups - List |
Microsoft.Resources/subscriptions/resources | Resources - List |
Microsoft.Authorization/roleAssignments/read | Role Assignments - List |
Microsoft.Authorization/roleDefinitions/read | Role Definitions - List |
Microsoft.Resources/tenant/read | Tenants - List |
Microsoft.Resources/subscriptions/read | Subscriptions |
Microsoft.Consumption/usageDetails/read | Usage Details - List |
Create Custom Role in Azure if Managing Azures roles and Management Groups from EmpowerID
If you are managing Azure roles and management groups in EmpowerID, in addition to adding the needed permissions in the above script, you need to create a custom role and add those permissions to the role as shown in the below procedure.
In Azure, navigate to the target subscription and select Access control (IAM) from the Azure navbar.
On the Access Control (IAM) page, click Add and select Add custom role.
Under Basics, enter a Custom role name.
Select the Permissions tab and click Add permissions.
Search for Microsoft.ManagedIdentity and click the Microsoft Managed Identity tile.
For Actions, under Microsoft.ManagedIdentity/userAssignedIdentities, select the following:
Read : Get User Assigned Identity
Write : Create/Update User Assigned Identity
Delete : Delete User Assigned Identity
Click Add.
Back on the Create a custom role page, click Add permissions again and then search for Microsoft.Authorization.
Click the Microsoft Authorization tile and then add the below permissions:
Read : Get role assignment
Write : Create role assignment
Delete : Delete role assignment
Read : Get role definition
Write : Create or update custom role definition
Delete : Delete custom role definition
Click Add.
Back on the Create a custom role page, click Add permissions again and then search for Microsoft.Authorization.
Click the Microsoft Management tile and select Read : List Groups under Microsoft.Management/managementGroups.
Click Add.
Back on the Create a custom role page, click Add permissions again, and then search for Microsoft.Resources.
Click the Microsoft Resources tile and then select the following permissions:
Read : Get Resource Group
Read : Get Subscription Resources
Read : Get Tenants
Click Add.
Back on the Create a custom role page, select the Assignable scopes tab and verify the scope.
Click Review + Create.
Review the permissions and then click Create.
Click OK to close the “created custom role” message.
Now that you have created the custom role with the needed permissions, you need to assign the Azure AD SCIM microservice to the role.On the Access control (IAM) page, click Add > Add role assignment.
In the Add role assignment pane that appears, enter the following:
Role – Select the custom role you just created
Assign access to – App Service
Subscription – Target subscription
Select – The SCIM app service you created earlier.
Click Save to add the role assignment.
On the Access control (IAM) page, select the Role assignments tab. You should see the SCIM app service you created assigned to the custom role.
Verify Permissions
After setting permissions for the app service, you can verify them by doing the following:
In Azure, navigate to your Azure Active Directory.
On the Azure Active Directory navbar, click Enterprise applications.
For Application type, select Managed Identities to filter the applications.
Click Apply.
Click the Name link for your application.
Under Security on the navbar, click Permissions.
You should see the permissions you set in the script granted to the application. Note that Admin consent has been granted for each permission.
Next Steps
Connect EmpowerID to Azure Active Directory