Mailboxes Page

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Mailboxes Page

Users can access the Mailboxes page within Resource Admin by selecting 'Mailboxes' from the Resource Type menu. This page is structured to facilitate efficient management of mailboxes. It offers various tabs, views, and controls that enable users to interact with, create, and update mailboxes.


Features Available on the Mailboxes Page

Upon navigating to the Mailboxes page, users have the capability to search for specific mailboxes based on defined criteria and manage these mailboxes as necessary.

Searching for Mailboxes

Every object in the EmpowerID Identity Warehouse, including mailboxes, is equipped with a 'SearchTerms' property. This property contains a set of search values specifically designed to retrieve objects matching those values. For mailboxes, 'SearchTerms' encompasses the following attributes:

  • Name

  • FriendlyName

  • Alias

  • Email

  • FirstName

  • LogonName

  • Path

  • NetBiosName

  • FQN

When a search value is input, the API searches these attributes and returns all mailboxes where the value matches a substring in any of these properties. For example, entering “bk” as a search value will retrieve any mailboxes with a match in any of these attributes.


Mailboxes Search Filters

Upon selecting 'Groups' as the resource type, the system initiates an API call to retrieve all mailbox records accessible to the current user. Given the potentially large volume of records, navigating through these records can be challenging.

To streamline the search process, Resource Admin incorporates a range of search filters. These filters are designed to refine the search results and can be employed in conjunction with or independently of the previously mentioned search terms. The availability of multiple filters supports granular searching, allowing users to pinpoint specific mailboxes based on various criteria.





Owned By


Lists mailboxes based on ownership, with options including:

  • Anybody: Displays all mailboxes.

  • Myself: Shows only mailboxes owned by the user.

  • Someone Else: Lists mailboxes owned by a specified individual.

The visibility of the 'Owned By' filter depends on the user's role assignment.

Target System


This filter provides users with options to list only those mailboxes belonging to the selected account store type and/or account store.

  • Select Account Store Type allows you to filter mailboxes to display only those belonging to Account Stores configured with the selected Account Store Type.

  • Select Account Store allows you to filter mailboxes to display only those belonging to the selected Account Store. The filter is used in conjunction with the selected Account Store Type filter to display groups belonging to the selected account store.


Mailbox Type


List mailboxes belonging to the selected type. Options include:

  • User Mailbox

  • Linked Mailbox

  • Room Mailbox

  • Equipment Mailbox

  • Shared Mailbox

  • Legacy Mailbox

  • Group Mailbox

Advanced Search


Enables further refinement of the search for mailboxes. Users can filter based on one or more of the following attributes:

  • FriendlyName

  • Logon

  • Email

  • Alias

Interacting with Mailboxes

In the Resource Admin system, each mailbox is associated with a dedicated record that provides key information for user interaction. To look into more detailed aspects of a mailbox, users can click on the 'Details' link within each record. This action opens a Details view that is specifically configured for the selected shared folder.

The Details view hosts various tabs, each designed to offer comprehensive insights and management options for the mailbox. These tabs enable users to perform a range of tasks, including modifying mailbox attributes and controlling access permissions.

Furthermore, every mailbox record includes a contextual workflow button marked by a gear icon. Users with appropriate access rights can use this button to initiate several workflows against the mailbox.



Clicking the 'Details' button for a mailbox directs users to the Overview page. This page offers comprehensive information about the mailbox, with navigable tabs designed for managing different aspects of the mailbox, including its configuration, associated tasks, and user assignments.


Mailbox Access

The 'Mailbox Access' tab grants users access to view inventoried permissions associated with a mailbox and manage the assignments of IAM Shop Permission Levels to users.


Mailbox Settings

The ‘Mailbox Settings' tab offers view access to the currently configured settings for a selected mailbox. This tab is particularly useful for users who need to review and audit the mailbox's configuration. While the 'Mailbox Settings' tab is intended for viewing purposes, authorized users can make changes to these settings through the 'Manage Mailbox Wizard.’


Quota Settings

The 'Quota Settings' tab provides users with read-only access to the current quota settings of a selected mailbox. This tab is essential for users who need to review and monitor the mailbox's quota parameters. Settings can be changed by authorized users via the Manage Mailbox Wizard.



Send and Recieve Limits

The 'Send and Recieve Limits' tab offers users read-only access to the current settings for send and receive limits of a particular mailbox. This tab is crucial for users responsible for monitoring and reviewing these specific parameters to ensure they align with organizational communication policies and mailbox management strategies. Settings can be changed by authorized users via the Manage Mailbox Wizard.



Countries Allowed or Denied

The 'Countries Allowed or Denied' tab provides users with the tools to view and manage the geographic restrictions on where the mailbox can send to and receive emails from. This feature is essential for enforcing specific communication policies related to international email traffic.

Functionalities available to users in this tab include:

  • Viewing Current Country Settings: Users can review the list of countries currently set to 'allow' or 'deny' for sending and receiving emails for the selected mailbox. This view is crucial for understanding the mailbox's existing geographic email restrictions.

  • Adding New Countries: This feature allows users to configure explicit 'allow' or 'deny' settings for sending and receiving emails from specific countries. It provides flexibility to adapt the mailbox's settings in response to changing organizational requirements or international communication needs.

  • Deleting Existing Countries Allowed or Denied: Users have the option to remove countries from the current settings. Removing a country from the list is key to updating the mailbox's geographical restrictions in line with current policies or practices.


Access Managers (RBAC Owners)

The 'Access Managers (RBAC Owners)' tab grants users with the appropriate access the ability to manage access managers for the selected mailbox. This tab is crucial for assigning and maintaining control over who manages access to the mailbox.

Functionalities available to users in this tab include:

  • Viewing Current Access Managers: This feature allows users to see a list of all current access managers (RBAC owners) assigned to the mailbox. It provides an overview of individuals responsible for managing access to the mailbox.

  • Adding New Access Managers: Users can use this functionality to assign new access managers to the mailbox. This involves selecting individuals who will be granted the authority to manage access rights, ensuring that mailbox security and access control are appropriately handled.

  • Deleting Existing Access Managers: This option enables users to remove current access managers from the mailbox. Removing an access manager is a key function for revising or updating the management of mailbox access, especially in response to changes in team structure or security requirements.


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