Delete Claims from an Azure App

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Delete Claims from an Azure App

As your application requirements evolve or user permissions are modified, you may need to delete specific claims linked to the application. To do so, follow the instructions below to remove claims for an Azure app from EmpowerID.


  1. Navigate to the portal for the Resource Admin app in your environment and select Applications from the dropdown menu.

  2. Search for the application from which you want to delete one or more claims and click the Details button for it.


    This directs you to the overview page for the policy. This page serves as a central hub for managing the key aspects of your policy, providing options to modify the policy’s application assignments and update its claims.

  1. This directs you to the Overview page for the application, which shows you various details about the app.

  2. To view the assigned policy and the claims within it, select the Token Configurations menu item followed by the Claims Mapping Policy.

  3. Click the Add/Remove Claims button to start the Manage Azure App Wizard workflow.

  4. To delete a claim, simply click on the Delete icon next to the item.

  5. Please click on the Yes button to confirm the deletion.

  6. If you wish to remove additional claims, simply click on the Delete icon and confirm your decision by choosing Yes.
    Once you have completed deleting the claims, click the Next button to proceed.

  7. To include additional optional access token claims, please click on the Access Token Claims tab and ensure the checkbox for the desired claims is selected.

  8. Click on ID Token Claims to include ID token optional claims, and ensure the checkbox for the desired claims is selected. To remove the claims, please uncheck the checkbox for the claims.

  9. You can also add and remove Azure Application Group Claims by selecting the checkbox for the desired claims. To remove the claims, please uncheck the checkbox for the claims.

    Select the Access Token Group Claim Properties and ID Token Group Claim Properties from the dropdown.

    Click on Next to proceed.


  10. The summary page presents a summary of the execution based on the selection you made.


  11. If you would like to manage another Azure application, please select "Yes." Otherwise, select "No.”



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Add Claims to an Azure App

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