Add App Roles
As an Azure application owner, one of your key capabilities is to enhance your application's functionality and access management by adding app roles. This process is seamlessly facilitated through Resource Admin, where you can define and specify new roles. Following your configuration, EmpowerID carries out the action by implementing these app roles directly in Azure. This article outlines the steps to add app roles to your application, helping to ensure that your Azure application is configured effectively to meet your specific operational requirements.
Log in to Resource Admin.
Select Applications from the Resource Type menu and search for the Azure application you want to manage.
Click the Friendly Name link for the application.
This directs you to the Overview page for the application.
Click App Roles and then expand the Actions accordion.
Click the Create Azure Application Role action.
This opens the Create Azure Application Scope form.Fill in the form fields with the appropriate information for your app role.
Click Next.
Review the summary information and click Submit when ready.