Person Relative Access Levels

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Person Relative Access Levels

EmpowerID includes the following Person Relative Access Levels. Assigning these to people gives them the level of access defined by the Access Level for resources that are relative to their person.

1SelfSelf1Represents a resource that is the same person as the caller.
2ManagerPerson Manager1Represents a resource that is the person's manager of the caller.
3DirectReportsPerson's direct reports1Represents a resource that is a direct reports of the caller.
4AccountOfDirectReportsPerson's direct reports' accounts2Represents any account that belongs to any of the direct reports of the caller.
5MyLocationsAndAbovePerson's locations and above5Represents any location to which the person belongs via any assignment path.
6MyLocationsAndBelowPerson's locations and below5Represents any location that is a child of a location to which the person belongs via any assignment path.
7PeopleInMyLocationsPeople in person's locations1People in or below locations where I am directly assigned.
8AccountsInMyLocationsAccounts in person's locations2Accounts in or below location where I am directly assigned.
9ADSecurityGroupsInMyLocationsSecurity groups in person's locations10AD Security Groups in or below locations where I am directly assigned.
10ADDistributionGroupsInMyLcationsDistribution groups in person's locations28AD Distribution Groups in or below locations where I am direclty assigned.
11ExchangeMailboxesInMyLocationsExchange mailboxes in person's locations13Exchange Mailboxes in or below locations where I am directly assigned.
12ComputersInMyLocationsComputers in person's locations33Computers in or below locations where I am directly assigned.
13ContactsInMyLocationsContacts in person's locations32Contacts in or below locations where I am directly assigned.
14ExchangePublicFoldersInMyLocationsExchange public foldrs in person's locations30Exchange Public Folders in or below locations where I am directly assigned.
15GenericGroupsInMyLocationsGeneric groups in person's locations6Generic groups in or below locations where I am directly assigned.
16MyAccountsAccounts I own2Accounts owned by person - PersonID set on account.
17MyMailboxesMailboxes I own13Mailboxes of accounts owned by person - PersonID set on account.
18MySharedFoldersShared Folders I own11NTFS Owner of shared folder.
19MailboxOfDirectReportsPerson's direct reports' mailboxes13Mailboxes of my direct reports.
20ADSecurityGroupsIOwnSecurity groups I am an owner of10AD groups where person's account is an owner in AD via Manager field.
21ADDistributionGroupsIOwnDistribution grouops I am an owner of28AD groups where person's account is an owner in AD via Manager field.
22SharepointWebsIManageSharepoint Webs I Manage46Sharepoint Webs in which I am a member of an admin group.
23PeopleInMyOrganizationsPeople in organizations I belong to1People in the person's organizations or any child organization that the person belongs to (Locations with OrgZoneTypeID 1).
24AccountsInMyOrganizationsAccounts in organizations I belong to2Accounts in the person's organizations or any child organization that the person belongs to (Locations with OrgZoneTypeID 1).
25GenericGroupsInMyOrganizationsGeneric groups in organizations I belong to6Generic groups in the person's organizations or any child organization that the person belongs to (Locations with OrgZoneTypeID 1).
26SecurityGroupsInMyOrganizationsSecurity groups in organizations I belong to10Security groups in the person's organizations or any child organization that the person belongs to (Locations with OrgZoneTypeID 1).
27ExchangeMailboxesInMyOrganizationsExchange Mailboxes in organizations I belong to13Exchange Mailboxes in the person's organizations or any child organization that the person belongs to (Locations with OrgZoneTypeID 1).
28LyncUsersInMyOrganizationsLync users in organizations I belong to14Lync users in the person's organizations or any child organization that the person belongs to (Locations with OrgZoneTypeID 1).
29DistributionGroupsInMyOrganizationsDistribution groups in organizations I belong to28Distribution groups in the person's organizations or any child organization that the person belongs to (Locations with OrgZoneTypeID 1).
30ContactsInMyOrganizationsContacts in organizations I belong to32Contacts in the person's organizations or any child organization that the person belongs to (Locations with OrgZoneTypeID 1).
31ComputersInMyOrganizationComputers in organizations I belong to33Computers in the person's organizations or any child organization that the person belongs to (Locations with OrgZoneTypeID 1).
32PeopleIKnowPeople I Know1People that I have a relation with via the person relationship.
33SSOSAMLConnectionInMyOrganizationSSO SAML Connection in yy Organization29SSO SAML Connection in the person's organizations or any child organization that the person belongs to (Locations with OrgZoneTypeID 1).
34ManagementRolesInMyOrganizationsManagement Roles in organizations I belong to40Management Roles in the person's organizations or any child organization that the person belongs to (Locations with OrgZoneTypeID 1).
35MyManagementRolesManagement Roles I belong to40Management Roles that the person belongs to.
36SSOConnectionInMyLocationsSAML SSO Connection in person's locations29SAML SSO Connection in or below locations where I am directly assigned.
37SharepointGroupsInWebsIManageSharepoint groups in Sharepoint Webs I manage47Sharepoint groups that belong to a Sharepoint Web in which I am a member of an admin group.
38SharepointWebsInMyLocationsSharepoint webs in person's locations46Sharepoint webs in or below locations where I am directly assigned.
39SharepointWebsInMyOrganizationsSharepoint webs in organizations I belong to46Sharepoint webs in the person's organizations or any child organization that the person belongs to (Locations with OrgZoneTypeID 1).
40SharepointGroupsInMyLocationsSharepoint Groups in person's locations47Sharepoint groups in or below locations where I am directly assigned.
41SharepointGroupsInMyOrganizationsSharepoint Groups in organizations I belong to47Sharepoint groups in the person's organizations or any child organization that the person belongs to (Locations with OrgZoneTypeID 1).
42Local Groups on Computers I ManageLocal Groups on Computers I Manage10Local Windows Groups that belong to computers I manage.
43Computer Local AdminComputers where I'm a local admin33Computers where I'm a local admin.
44DelegatePerson's delegate1Represents a resource that is the person's delegate of the caller.
45DelegatorPerson's delegator1Represents a resource that is the person that has delegated to the caller.
46DelegatorDirectReportsPerson's delegators direct reports1Represents a resource that is the direct reports for the people that have delegated to the caller.
47ApplicationsInMyOrganizationsApplications in organizations I belong to1Applications in the person's organizations or any child organizations that the person belongs to (Locations with OrgZoneTypeID 1).
48BusinessRolesInMyOrganizationsBusiness Roles in organizations I belong to1Business Roles in the person's organizations or any child organizations that the person belongs to (Locations with OrgZoneTypeID 1).
49BusinessRolesInMyLocationsBusiness Roles in person's locations1Business Roles in or below locations where I am directly assigned.
50ExternalCredentialsInMyLocationsExternal Credentials in person's locations1External Credentials in or below locations where I am directly assigned.
51ExternalCredentialsInMyOrganizationsExternal Credentials in organizations I belong to1External Credentials in the person's organizations or any child organization that the person belongs to (Locations with OrgZoneTypeID 1).
52MyPersonObjectsMy Person Objects1Person objects that belong to the same Core Identity
53MyResponsibleAccountsAccounts I am responsible for2Accounts that I am directly or indirectly assigned as responsible party
54MyResponsibleComputersComputers I am responsible for33Computers that I am directly or indirectly assigned as responsible party
55MyResponsibleGroupsGeneric Groups I am responsible for6Generic groups that I am directly or indirectly assigned as responsible party
56MyResponsibleSecurityGroupsSecurity Groups I am responsible for10AD Security groups that I am directly or indirectly assigned as responsible party
57MyResponsibleDistributionGroupsDistribution Groups I am responsible for28AD Distribution groups that I am directly or indirectly assigned as responsible party
58MyResponsiblePeoplePeople I am responsible for1People that I am directly or indirectly assigned as responsible party

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