Publish the Exchange Online Microservice to Azure
After you have completed the procedures described in the previous topics, you need to publish the EmpowerID Exchange Online V2 PowerShell microservice to Azure to manage your Exchange tenant from EmpowerID.
Publishing the microservice requires you to have the appropriate ZIP file for the microservice. Please contact EmpowerID for the file if you do not have it.
Copy the below PowerShell script into the text editor of your choice and save it as
.param( $pubProfileFilePath ,$zipFilePath ) $ErrorActionPreference = "Stop" $pubProfile = [xml](gc $pubProfileFilePath) $zipPubProfile = $pubProfile.publishData.publishProfile | where { $_.publishMethod -eq "zipdeploy" } $userAgent = "powershell/1.0" $base64AuthInfo = [Convert]::ToBase64String([Text.Encoding]::ASCII.GetBytes(("{0}:{1}" -f $zipPubProfile.userName, $zipPubProfile.userPWD))) $zipdeployUrl = "https://$($zipPubProfile.publishUrl)/api/zipdeploy" $deploymentsUrl = "https://$($zipPubProfile.publishUrl)/api/deployments" Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $zipdeployUrl -Headers @{Authorization=("Basic {0}" -f $base64AuthInfo)} -UserAgent $userAgent -Method Post -InFile $zipFilePath Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $deploymentsUrl -Headers @{Authorization=("Basic {0}" -f $base64AuthInfo)} -UserAgent $userAgent -Method Get
Open an administrative PowerShell session.
Navigate to the directory where you saved the script and execute the script, passing in the values of the
parameters via the command line, where the value ofpubProfilePath
is the path to the App Service Publisher Profile Settings file you downloaded from Azure. The value ofzipFilePath
is the path to the microservice ZIP file you received from EmpowerID.The command to execute the script should look similar to that shown in the below image.