Windows File Server Connector

Windows File Server Connector

EmpowerID streamlines the management of Windows Servers as a resource system for file share management, offering automated role-based access control, delegated permissions administration, and self-service access requests through workflows – all backed by a comprehensive audit trail. Once a server is added as a managed resource system, EmpowerID continuously inventories and monitors the server, detecting new shared folders and any changes to permissions. This ensures complete visibility into shared folder resources, including who has access and their level of access.

This article outlines the steps for setting up a Windows File Server as a managed resource system, including creating a file share resource system and configuring it with PowerShell user account credentials.


Before adding a Windows File Server to EmpowerID as a managed resource system, ensure that EmpowerID is connected to Active Directory. For guidance, refer to the article on Connecting to Active Directory. Additionally, the PowerShell user account configured for the resource system must have the necessary NTFS permissions on each file server.


Step 1 – Create file share resource system

  1. Expand Admin > Applications and Directories on the navbar and click Account Stores and Systems.

  2. On the Account Stores page, click the Actions tab and then click Create File Share Resource System.


  3. On the Select File Server Computer page, search for your file server.

  4. Click the record for that server to select it, and then click Submit.


  5. EmpowerID creates the Windows File Server resource system.

  6. On the Find Account Store page, click the Resource Systems tab, search for the Windows File Server you just created, and then click the Display Name link.


  7. From the Resource System > Resource System Info tabs of the Account Store Details page that appears click the Edit link for the file server resource system to put it in edit mode.


  8. On the edit page, select the Projection tab and then select Group Membership Projection Enabled. This ensures that EmpowerID evaluates who should be members of what Resource Role groups regularly.


  9. Select the Enforcement tab and do the following to specify the type of rights enforcement to be applied to any Resource Role groups created by EmpowerID for the shares on the file server: (This process is used to determine who should have access to shares on the server based on their assignments to Access Levels in EmpowerID and is enforced using special domain local groups known as "Resource Role Groups". See Projection and Enforcement for more information about this process. )

    • Enforcement Type – Select one of the below enforcement options:

      • No Action – No rights enforcement action occurs.

      • Projection with No Enforcement – Adds people to Resource Role Groups in EmpowerID but does not grant these permissions on the server.

      • Projection with Enforcement – Adds people to Resource Role Groups in EmpowerID and grants the roles to the Resource Role Groups. This is the recommended setting.

      • Projection with Strict Enforcement – This removes any assignments to groups that occur outside of EmpowerID. If someone is added to a group independently of EmpowerID, they are removed from the group by EmpowerID.

    • Rights Enforcement Enabled – Select to enable the chosen enforcement on the file server

    • Schedule – Click the Start and End fields and select the desired start and end date for enforcement.

    • Interval – Select how often you want the enforcement job to run against the file server.

  10. Click Save.

Step 2 – Add the PowerShell username and password as configuration parameters

The PowerShell User account specified here must have permissions to manage shared folders on the file server.

  1. From the Resource Systems tab of the Account Stores and Systems page, search for the File Server resource system you just created and click the Display Name link for it.

  2. Select the Resource System tab and then expand the Configuration Parameters accordion at the bottom of the page.

  3. In the accordion, click the Add button above the grid and then enter the following information in the General pane for the PowerShell user account:

    • Name – Enter PowershellUser

    • Value – The user name of the account making the PowerShell calls

  4. Click Save.


  5. Click the Add button above the grid again and then enter the following information in the General pane for the PowerShell user password:

    • Name – Enter PowershellPassword

    • Value – The password of the account making the PowerShell calls

    • Encrypt Data – Select this to encrypt and hide the password

  6. Click Save.

Next Steps

Create shared folders

Configure self-service requests for shared folders

Unshare shared folders

Delete shared folders



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