Creating Mailboxes

Creating Mailboxes

This article provides instructions on how to provision an Exchange mailbox for user accounts that do not currently have one in EmpowerID.


Before you can create a mailbox, the following conditions must be met:

  • Active Directory Connection: EmpowerID must be connected to an Active Directory domain with an Exchange organization. This connection is essential for EmpowerID to manage user accounts and mailboxes.

  • Exchange Organization as a Resource System: The Exchange organization must be connected to EmpowerID as a resource system. This setup allows EmpowerID to provision and manage mailboxes within the Exchange environment.

For detailed instructions on meeting these prerequisites, see the Connect to Active Directory and Configure Exchange Management articles.

Once these prerequisites are fulfilled, you can create the mailbox outlined in this topic.


  1. On the navbar, expand Object Administration and select Mailboxes.

  2. From the Actions pane, click the Create Mailbox for Existing User action.


  3. In the Users Without Mailboxes lookup that appears, search for the user for whom you want to create a mailbox and click the record for that user to select it.


  4. Click Submit

  5. Click OK to close the Operation Execution Summary.

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