SAP Fieldglass Connector
The EmpowerID SAP Fieldglass Connector facilitates seamless integration with the SAP Fieldglass system, a cloud-based vendor management system (VMS) that assists organizations in managing their external workforce, including contingent workers, freelancers, and service providers. This documentation provides comprehensive guidance on configuring and utilizing the connector, enabling efficient synchronization and management of worker data between the two systems.
Architecture Overview
The architecture of the SAP Fieldglass Connector consists of two primary components:
EmpowerID Microservice: This component is deployed on an Azure app service and manages the communication between EmpowerID and SAP Fieldglass, ensuring secure and efficient data exchange.
EmpowerID Account Store: Designed to store and synchronize worker identity information from Fieldglass, this component ensures that all worker data is accurately maintained and accessible within the EmpowerID platform.
Inventory Objects and their corresponding components in EmpowerID
Connects to the Fieldglass API and retrieves Worker data.
Object in Fieldglass | Component in EmpowerID |
Worker | Account |
Attribute Mapping
The table below shows the attribute mappings of SAP Fieldglass users to EmpowerID.
Source Attribute | Target Attribute | Description |
WorkerID | LogonName | Unique identifier for the worker. |
PersonID | CustomAttribute13 | Identifier for the person in SAP Fieldglass. |
JobSeekerID | CustomAttribute12 | Identifier for the job seeker in SAP Fieldglass. |
SecurityID | CustomAttribute11 | Security identifier for the worker. |
JobPostingTitle | JobTitle | Title of the job posting. |
WorkOrderID | WorkOrderID | Identifier for the work order. |
WorkOrderRevisionOwner | CustomAttribute1 | Owner of the work order revision. |
WorkOrderRevisionOwnerEmployeeID | CustomAttribute2 | Employee ID of the work order revision owner. |
BusinessUnitCode | BusinessUnit | Code of the business unit. |
BusinessUnitName | CustomAttribute3 | Name of the business unit. |
VendorNumber | CompanyDescription | Number of the vendor. |
VendorName | Company | Name of the vendor. |
BuyerCode | CustomAttribute6 | Code of the buyer. |
RemitToAddressCode | CustomAttribute7 | Code for the remit-to address. |
CostCenterName | CostCenterDescription | Name of the cost center. |
CostCenterCode | CostCenter | Code of the cost center. |
BillablePerDiem | CustomAttribute8 | Billable per diem rate. |
StartDate | ValidFrom | Start date of the work order. |
EndDate | ValidUntil | End date of the work order. |
Currency | CustomAttribute9 | Currency for financial transactions. |
SiteCode | WorkLocation | Code of the site. |
SiteName | CustomAttribute10 | Name of the site. |
name.familyName | LastName | Family name (last name) of the worker. |
name.givenName | FirstName | Given name (first name) of the worker. |
displayName | FriendlyName | Display name of the worker. |
active | Status | Active status of the worker. |
emails[type='work'].value | Work email address of the worker. |
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