Assign Mailbox Access Managers

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Assign Mailbox Access Managers

In EmpowerID, Access Managers function as RBAC owners for specific resources. They are endowed with the necessary permissions to manage these resources as required, effectively overseeing their use and access within the system.

Access Managers have no rights in the native system, only within EmpowerID.


  1. On the navbar, expand the Object Administration section and click Mailboxes.
    This directs you to the ‘Find Exchange Mailboxes’ page.


  2. Search for the target mailbox and click the Logon Name link for it.

    This opens the View One page for the mailbox. View One pages allow you to view information about a selected resource and manage that resource as appropriate.


  3. Expand the Access Managers (RBAC Owners) accordion.

  4. Enter the name of the person you want to make an Access Manager in the left search field and click the tile that appears for the person.

    You should see the Added field update from 0 to 1.


  5. Repeat step 4 for each additional person you want to make an Access Manager.

  6. Once you have finished, click on the Submit button to complete the assignment.

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