OIDC Auth Module App Setting Tables
Value | Description |
AZURE_APP_CLIENT_ID | Client ID of the app registration. |
AZURE_APP_CLIENT_SECRET | Client Secret of the app registration. |
TENANT_ID | Tenant ID of the Azure tenant. |
AZURE_APP_AUTHORITY | Global Azure AD authentication endpoint. If single-tenant app, https://login.microsoftonline.com/<TENANT_ID>/v2.0/> If multi-tenant app, https://login.microsoftonline.com/common/v2.0/ |
HOSTED_WEB_APP_DOMAIN | The domain name of the hosted web application. |
<add key="ida:ClientId" value="<AZURE_APP_CLIENT_ID>"/>
<add key="ida:ClientSecret" value="<AZURE_APP_CLIENT_SECRET>"/>
<add key="ida:Authority" value="<AZURE_APP_AUTHORITY>"/>
<add key="ida:RedirectUri" value="https://<HOSTED_WEB_APP_DOMAIN>/oidc/redeemcode.aspx"/>
<add key="ida:PostLogoutRedirectUri" value="https://<HOSTED_WEB_APP_DOMAIN>"/>
<add key="ida:CacheTimeoutInMinutes" value="30"/>
Files | Description |
authorize.aspx | Generates Azure login URL and redirects the user agent to the authorization endpoint. | |
redeemcode.aspx | Exchanges the received authorization_code for an access token, creates the IPrincipal, and attaches the principal to the current HTTP session. | |
logout.aspx | Logouts the users out of Azure and kills the current HTTP session. |
<add key="ida:IdentityTokenValidator" value="{namespace}.{class name}, {assembly name}"/>
Key | Description |
Namespace | As per the example, the value is AzOidcCustomTemplate. |
Class name | As per the example, the value is MyCustomClaimsTransformer. |
Assembly name | As per the example, the value is AzOidcCustomTemplate. |
Assembly Fully Qualified Name | As per the example, the value is “AzOidcCustomTemplate. MyCustomClaimsTransformer, AzOidcCustomTemplate”. |
<add key="ida:ClaimsTransformer" value="{namespace}.{class name}, {assembly name}"/>
Key | Description |
Namespace | As per the example, the value is AzOidcCustomTemplate. |
Class name | As per the example, the value is MyCustomTokenValidator. |
Assembly name | As per the example, the value is AzOidcCustomTemplate. |
Assembly Fully Qualified Name | As per the example, the value is “AzOidcCustomTemplate. AzOidcCustomTemplate.MyCustomTokenValidator, AzOidcCustomTemplate”. |
<add key="ida:IdentityTokenValidator" value="{namespace}.{class name}, {assembly name}"/>