Resource System Config Parameters
Please note that the values for ApplicationID
and TenantID
are encrypted and that you will not see the values in the user interface.
Name | Value | Description |
AppServiceUrl | {Your Base SCIM Url} | URL for the SCIM app service. The base URL should include the version |
AuthorizationProviderFullAssemblyName | SCIMConnector, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=2d2253f74d4496ef | The Provider assembly that will be used to retrieve EmpowerID token |
AuthorizationProviderType | TheDotNetFactory.Framework.ClassLibrary.EmpowerIDAccessTokenProvider | The Provider type that will be used to retrieve EmpowerID token |
BaseDn | dc=ibm,dc=com | The base distinguished name of LDAP |
ChangeUserPasswordUrl | {Your Base SCIM Url}changepassword | The microservice url to change password of a user |
CreateGroupUrl | {Your Base SCIM Url}groups | The microservice url to create a group |
CreateHighestTokenAttributeName | createTimestamp | The attribute used by the incremental inventory to get objects create after a certain datetime |
CreateOrUpdateGroupJsonTemplate | {    "secHasPolicy": "",    "groupNativeId": "",    "secAuthority": "Default",    "schemas": [        "urn:ietf:params:scim:schemas:core:2.0:Group"    ],    "members": [],    "isSecEntity": "",    "secDN": "",    "objectClass": [],    "description": "",    "id": "",    "cn": "",    "secUUID": "" } | The template used to set the ou attributes when creating/updating a ou |
CreateOrUpdateOUJsonTemplate | { "st": "", "telephoneNumber": "", "physicalDeliveryOfficeName": "", "ou": "", "postalCode": "", "objectClass": ["top", "organizationalUnit"], "description": "", "dn": "", "facsimileTelephoneNumber": "", "l": "", "destinationIndicator": "", "telexNumber": "", "postOfficeBox": "", "registeredAddress": "", "postalAddress": "", "street": "", "businessCategory": "", "id": "" } | The template used to set the user attributes when creating/updating a user |
CreateOrUpdateUserJsonTemplate | {    "schemas": [        "urn:ietf:params:scim:schemas:core:2.0:User",        "urn:ietf:params:scim:schemas:extension:enterprise:2.0:User"    ],    "businessCategory": "",    "carLicense": "",    "cn": "",    "departmentNumber": "",    "description": "",    "destinationIndicator": "",    "displayName": "",    "urn:ietf:params:scim:schemas:extension:enterprise:2.0:User": {        "EmployeeNumber": "",       "manager": {       "value": ""   },        "SchemaIdentifier": "urn:ietf:params:scim:schemas:extension:enterprise:2.0:User"    },    "meta": {        "resourceType": "User",        "created": ""    },    "userType": "",    "facsimileTelephoneNumber": "",    "phoneNumbers": [        {            "type": "home",            "value": ""        },        {            "type": "fax",            "value": ""        },        {            "type": "mobile",            "value": ""        },        {            "type": "telephone",            "value": ""        },        {            "type": "work",            "value": ""        }    ],    "name": {        "familyName": "",        "givenName": ""    },    "homePostalAddress": "",    "initials": "",    "internationaliSDNNumber": "",    "city": "",    "labeledURI": "",    "o": "",    "ou": "",    "pager": "",    "addresses": [        {            "streetAddress": "",            "postalCode": "",            "type": "work"        }    ],    "postOfficeBox": "",    "postalAddress": "",    "preferredLanguage": "",    "registeredAddress": "",    "roomNumber": "",    "state": "",    "street": "",    "title": "",    "dn": "",    "emails": [        {            "type": "work",            "value": ""        }    ],    "groups": [],    "password": "",    "secDN": "",    "isByPassPasswordPolicy": true } | The template used to set the group attributes when creating/updating a group |
CreateOUUrl | {Your Base SCIM Url}ou | The microservice url to create an organisational unit |
CreateUserUrl | {Your Base SCIM Url}users | The microservice url to create a user |
DateTimeCulture | en-US | DateTime format used by the connector to store in EmpowerID |
DeleteBatchSize | 1000 | Number of active objects returned per call when processing delete |
DeleteGroupJsonTemplate | {    "schemas":["urn:ietf:params:scim:schemas:core:2.0:Group"],    "deleteNativeGroup":true } | The template used to set the group attributes when deleting a group |
DeleteUserJsonTemplate | {    "schemas":["urn:ietf:params:scim:schemas:core:2.0:User"],    "userName":"",    "deleteNativeUser":true } | The template used to set the group attributes when deleting a user |
filter | -,.,/,0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,:,;,<,=,>,?,@,A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H,I,J,K,L,M,N,O,P,Q,R,S,T,U,V,W,X,Y,Z,[,\,],^,_,` | filter used by full inventory |
FilterParameterForAccount | uid | Ldap attribute name used to retrieve users |
FilterParameterForGroup | cn | Ldap attribute name used to retrieve groups |
FilterParameterForOU | Ou | Ldap attribute name used to retrieve ous |
GetAllActiveObjectsUrl | {Your Base SCIM Url}entity | The microservice url to get all the active objects |
GetDeleteorUpdateGroupByIdUrl | {Your Base SCIM Url}groups/{0} | The microservice url to get a group |
GetDeleteorUpdateOUByIdUrl | {Your Base SCIM Url}ou/{0} | The microservice url to get an ou |
GetDeleteorUpdateUserByIdUrl | {Your Base SCIM Url}users/{0} | The microservice url to get a user |
GetNewOrUpdatedGroupsUrl | {Your Base SCIM Url}groups{0} | The microservice url to get groups |
GetNewOrUpdatedUsersUrl | {Your Base SCIM Url}users{0} | The microservice url to get ous |
GetNewOrUpdatedZonesUrl | {Your Base SCIM Url}ou{0} | The microservice url to get users |
ModifyHighestTokenAttributeName | modifyTimestamp | The attribute used by the incremental inventory to get objects create after a certain datetime |
NameFormat | {0}/FirstName | setting to derive how the Name attribute will be constructed, for eg "LastName FirstName" or "FirstName_LastName" |
OAuthProviderApplicationID | {Your Oauth Application ID} - only when using EmpowerID authentication | OAuthProviderApplicationID used to retrieve ClientID and ClientSecret |
PageSize | 500 | Number of objects returned per call when processing inventory |
PasswordManagerPolicy | Default Password Manager Policy | Policy with specifications that the TAM system expects |
ResetUserPasswordUrl | {Your Base SCIM Url}resetpassword | The microservice url to reset password of a user |
RunFullInventoryAfterXRuns | 20 | Full inventory runs after X runs to sync data from external system |
UrlForAccessToken | {Url} - only when using EmpowerID authentication | url used to retrieve access token |