Azure AD B2C Scim Components
Configuration Item | Description |
AccessTokenUrl | The URL endpoint for obtaining an access token from Azure AD tenant where the microservice is deployed.<tenant>/oauth2/v2.0/token |
AuthorizationProviderFullAssemblyName | The fully qualified assembly name of the authentication provider for the microservice. SCIMAzureB2cConnector, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=2d2253f74d4496ef |
AuthorizationProviderType | The type of the authorization provider for the microservice. TheDotNetFactory.Framework.ClassLibrary.AzureB2CSCIMAuthenticationProvider |
AuthorizationUrl | The URL for token authorization.<tenant>/oauth/v2/authorize |
AzureAppID | The client application's App ID in azure that is configured to access the microservice. |
AzureTenantID | The ID of the tenant where the microservice is deployed. |
certificateThumbPrint | The thumbprint of the certificate configured for accessing the microservice. |
CreateGroupUrl | The URL for creating a new group in the microservice. <MicroService EndPoint>/v1.0/groups |
CreateOrUpdateGroupJsonTemplate | The JSON template for creating or updating a group. { "urn:ietf:params:scim:schemas:extension:azureAdGroup:2.0:Group": { "securityEnabled": "" }, "type": "", "description": "", "displayName": "", "externalId": "" } |
CreateOrUpdateUserJsonTemplate | The JSON template for creating or updating a user. { "schemas": [ "urn:ietf:params:scim:schemas:core:2.0:User" ], "name": { "familyName": "", "givenName": "" }, "displayName": "", "emails": [ { "type":"work", "value":"" }, { "type":"other", "value":"" } ], "phoneNumbers": [ { "type":"mobile", "value":"" }, { "type":"work", "value":"" }, { "type":"fax", "value":"" }, { "type":"other", "value":"" } ], "password":"", "externalId":"", "userName":"", "addresses": [ { "type": "work", "streetAddress": "", "locality":"", "region":"", "country":"", "postalCode":"" } ,{"formatted": "","type": "other"} ], "city":"", "state":"", "country":"" } |
CreateUserUrl | The URL for creating a new user in the microservice. <Microservice Endpoint>/v1.0/users |
ExternalSysSupportGetDeleted | Indicates whether the microservice supports querying deleted items.Should be set to true if Microservice supports Deleted query. The default value is set to True. |
ExternalSystemSupportIncrementalMember | Indicates whether the microservice supports incremental membership inventory. The default value is set to True. |
GetAllDeletedGroupsUrl | The URL for retrieving all deleted groups from the microservice. <MicroService EndPoint>/v1.0/groups/EIDExtension/Deleted?Filter=AuditLogStartTime eq {0} and AuditLogEndTime eq {1} |
GetAllDeletedUsersUrl | The URL for retrieving all deleted users from the microservice. <MicroService EndPoint>/v1.0/Users/EIDExtension/Deleted?Filter=AuditLogStartTime eq {0} and AuditLogEndTime eq {1} |
GetDeleteorUpdateGroupByIdUrl | The URL for retrieving, deleting, or updating a group by its ID. <MicroService Endpoint>/v1.0/Groups/{0} |
GetDeleteorUpdateUserByIdUrl | The URL for retrieving, deleting, or updating a user by its ID. <MicroService Endpoint>/v1.0/Users/{0} |
GetGroupMemberUrl | The URL for querying members of a group in the microservice. <MicroService EndPoint>/v1.0/groups/EIDExtension/MemberQuery/{0}?Count=999 |
GetGroupOwnerUrl | The URL for querying owners of a group in the microservice. <MicroService EndPoint>/v1.0/groups/EIDExtension/OwnerQuery/{0}?Count=999 |
GetNewOrUpdatedGroupsUrl | The URL for retrieving newly created or updated groups from the microservice within a specific time range. <MicroService EndPoint>/ v1.0/groups/EIDExtension/NewOrUpdated?Filter=AuditLogStartTime eq {0} and AuditLogEndTime eq {1} and AuditLogPageSize eq 300 |
GetNewOrUpdatedUsersUrl | The URL for retrieving newly created or updated users from the microservice within a specific time range. <MicroService EndPoint>/v1.0/users/EIDExtension/NewOrUpdated?Filter=AuditLogStartTime eq {0} and AuditLogEndTime eq {1} and AuditLogPageSize eq 300 |
GroupTypeMapping | JSON that defines the mapping between source group types and the EID’s group types. {"Unified": "Office 365 Group","Security": "SecurityGlobal"} |
| The issuer that assigns identities for users created from the EID Portal. |
IsIncrementalInventory | Indicates whether the microservice supports incremental inventory. Default is set to True (Should be set to false when running full inventory). |
IsPagedUsingToken | True if paging supports skipToken |
MembershipInboxGroupPageSize | Group page size for Membership inventory during initial load |
MembershipInboxMemberPageSize | The page size for group inventory during the initial load. |
MembershipInboxParallelProcessingThreshold | The threshold for parallel processing of group membership during the initial load. |
PageSize | The page size used when running a full inventory. |
QueryGroupsUrl | The URL for querying groups in the microservice with pagination support. <MicroService EndPoint>/v1.0/groups/EIDExtension/Paged{0} |
QueryUsersUrl | The URL for querying users in the microservice with pagination support. <MicroService EndPoint>/v1.0/users/EIDExtension/Paged{0} |
resetUserPasswordUrl | The URL for requesting a password reset for a user in the microservice. /v1.0/users/EIDExtension/PasswordResetRequest |
Scope | The scope specified when retrieving a token using OAuth authentication. |
ServiceUrl | The endpoint URL of the microservice. Microservice Endpoint |