Set Preferred Language

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Set Preferred Language

Language preferences can be applied to a user anytime by setting the Preferred Language option in the About Person section of the Manage Person Wizard workflow.

Criteria for language determination

EmpowerID uses several criteria to determine what language to use for the EmpowerID Web application pages for the currently logged-in user. These criteria and their precedence are as follows:

  1. Language Query String parameter: Append a language query string parameter to the base URL for any page associated with the Web application to force it to display that page in a given language. To do this, append the URL for the Home page with lang=<ISO 639 culture code>-<ISO 3166 subculture code>. For example, if sso.empowerid.com is the FQDN of your EmpowerID web server and fr-fr is the ISO language setting you want to use, the URL looks like this:


    EmpowerID appends that parameter to each web application page until it is removed from the URL or the user session ends. Thus, searches for people and any pages opened by clicking an action tile are displayed in the language associated with the query string parameter.

  2. Person's Preferred Language: If a language query string parameter is not used, EmpowerID displays all localized entries in the Preferred Language set on the Person.

    An exception to this rule is the Login page of the EmpowerID Web application. If a language query string parameter is not used, EmpowerID displays the page text to the user based on the language settings applied to the browser on their local machine. If the person logging in’s preferred language differs from the browser's language setting, EmpowerID will display the pages in that person's preferred language after they authenticate.

  3. Browser Language Settings: Finally, if a language query string parameter is not used and the user does not have a Preferred Language set on their Person object, EmpowerID displays the text of the page to the user in accordance with the language settings applied to their browser.

To set the preferred language for a person

  1. In the EmpowerID Web application, navigate to Identity Administration > People and search for the person to whom you want to set the preferred language.

  2. Click the record for the person to select it, then click the Manage Person Wizard action link.



  3. In the workflow, select Edit Person Attributes as the action to perform and click Next.


    This opens the form for the selected action.


  4. Under About Person, change the Preferred Language field to the desired language.


  5. Save your changes.

Users can quickly set their preferred language from any web application page by clicking the Globe icon and clicking the appropriate language selector. EmpowerID retains the person’s selected language preference for future sessions until it is changed by the user or overridden via the Manage Person Wizard workflow.

Preferred Language Selector Available on every page of each EmpowerID application


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