Request Credentials

Request Credentials

Credentials are encrypted user names and passwords for privileged accounts that your organization has vaulted. When you request credentials, you are requesting to "check out" those credentials. If approved, you are able to see and use those credentials for a specified period of time. 

Request Credentials

  1. Log in to the IAM Shop portal for your organization.

  2. Select Credentials from the Resource Type dropdown and search for the desired credentials.

  3. Click the Request Access button for the shared credential.

    This opens the request card for the credential.


  4. Select the desired Access Type.

    • One Time Access – Select this option if you only need to check out the credential as a one-time event.

    • Pre-Approved – Select this option if you will need access to the credential on a regular basis.

  5. If you selected One Time Access, adjust the Start Date, Start Time, End Date, and End Time as needed.


  6. Click Add to Cart.

  7. Click the Cart at the top of the page to open it.


  8. Add a comment as needed and click Evaluate Request.


  9. Enter a Business Request Name. The text entered here helps identify the purpose of the request to potential approvers.


  10. Click Submit.
    You should see a message saying the cart was successfully submitted with a tracking link.


  11. To view the status, click the tracking link.
    Doing so opens the request in My Tasks.


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