Set Personal Notification Preferences

When users request access to roles in the IT Shop they create “Business Requests,” which raises notification events for those requests. Additionally, each time the request is interacted with at some level, such as a comment being added to it, additional notification events are raised. 

These events can be numerous for administrators and other types of business users, and users may not want to receive an email notification each time an event occurs. When that is the case, users can selectively pick only those email notifications they care to receive, change the frequency of those emails, or chose to not receive email notifications altogether. Users do this from the Email Notifications page of My Identity.

To set personal notification preferences, do the following:

  1. From EmpowerID, navigate to My Identity by clicking your username and selecting My Identity.


  2. In My Identity, click your username and select Notification Preferences from the menu.

    This direct you to the Notification Preferences page. From this page, you can choose to enable or disable globally or individually as desired.


  3. To enable or disable email notifications globally, toggle Receive Email Notifications to the desired state.


  4. Under Event Emails, toggle between Yes and No to specify whether you want to receive emails for that category. For example, if you want to receive an email if a request submitted by you is rejected, select Yes for that category.


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My Identity