My Identity

The MyIdentity microservice, in EmpowerID, provides a central location from which users can view information about themselves.
Users can also do theses additional actions like...

  1. View and Edit their Profile

  2. Create permanent delegations to route business requests tasks for which they are an approver to others

  3. Personalize the number and frequency of email notifications they receive about those business tasks.


Microservices are small, decoupled software modules that run independently and communicate with each other using specific API contracts.
The MyIdentity microservice follows this pattern.
MyIdentity can be hosted in IIS or Azure.


The MyIdentity application home page includes the 7 main controls.
Depending on their access to MyIdentity, not all users will see all controls.


Navigation Sidebar — Allows users to seamlessly navigate from MyIdentity to other EmpowerID applications

My Identities page — Provides users with a single location for viewing all their EmpowerID identities. From this page, users can view detailed personal profiles and organizational charts related to their respective identities.

My Direct Reports page — Provides managers with a view of their direct reports.

My Department page — Provides users with a view of all people in their department.

Internals page — Provides users with a view of people internal to their organization they have a right to view.

Externals page — Provides users with a view of all people external to their organization they have a right to view.

Permanent Delegations page — Provides users with the ability to permanently delegate tasks for which they are an approver to other people for approval.

For more information please watch the below demo video of My Identity feature of EmpowerID


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My Identity