Chatbot Commands

Chatbot Commands

The Chatbot can also understand your text inputs and treat it as a command if the text is relevant to the operations it can perform.

It’s very easy to use the command, type the text, and the Chatbot will predict the meaning and execute the workflows/operations. As you can see in the image below, typing the change password command in the chat window will present you with a form to change the password.

Please find the list of all commands grouped by the workflow the Chatbot will understand and execute the corresponding workflow.

Since the Chatbot has natural language understanding capabilities, the commands provided shouldn’t be precisely the same as in the examples below. The Chatbot can understand changes and variations in your text and sentences with similar meaning. The examples below are to merely provide a sense of command pattern that are supported.

Activate Pre-Approved Group or Management Role

Please input any of the supported commands below to start requesting the app and management roles from the Chatbot.

Please replace the names beginning with an asterisk * with the role name you wish to request.

Command Example

Command Example

activate a group or management role

activate a pre approved group or management role

get access to *saasadmin management role

get me *saasadmin role

i want *saasadmin role

i want to request an app role or a management role

pre approved roles

preapproved roles request

preapproved spmrole role

preapproved roles

process *saasadmin

request app role and management role

request for *allaccess role

request for preapproved roles

request for *saasadmin role

request *saasadmin

*saasadmin preapproved role access

Change My Password

Please type any commands in the Chatbot to trigger the Change My Password workflow.



can you please help me change password

change current password

change my current password

change my password

change password

i want to change my password

password change

please change my password

Create a New Person

Create a new person workflow that can be triggered by providing the following commands in the EmpowerID Chatbot.

Please replace the value beginning with an asterisk * with an appropriate value.



add new person

add person

cerate a new person with first name *jagdish and last name kumawat

create a new person for *jagdish kumawat

create a new person

create a new person *john

create a new person with first name *john phone *+12345678901 email *john@gmail.com

create a new person with first name *john email *john@gmail.com

create a new person with phone *+12345678901

create a person with name *john

create person form

i want to create a person

new person

new person email *taurus@xyz.com

new person john doe

new person with the name jack

Create Shared Credential

Please use any of the following commands to create shared credentials.



create shared credential

create a new external credential

create a new shared credential

create shared creds

i want to create a new shared credentials

new ext credentials

new external credential

new shared credential

open new credential form

open new external credentials form

shared credential create

shared credential form

View Shared Credential

Please input any of the supported commands below to view Shared Credential in the EmpowerID Chatbot.

Please replace the values beginning with an asterisk * with credential name to view.



get external creds

get me the shared credentials

get shared creds

get *test creds shared credential

retrieve creds

retrieve shared credential

show external creds

show *credtesting shared creds

show shared credential

show shared creds

view *credtesting shared credential

view credential

view ext creds

view external credential

view *credtesting shared cred

view shared credential

view shared credential *credtesting

view shared creds

Create Vault Secret

Please input any supported commands below to create Vault Secret from the Chatbot.



bot vault secret

create a credit card secret

create a new password secret

create a new secret

create a note secret

create a password secret

create a secret

create a vault secret

create credit card

create credit card vault

create note

create password

create password vault

create vaultsecret

new cc vault

new note

new password

new secret

new vault secret

note vault

password vault

View Vault Secret

Please input any supported commands below to view Vault Secret from the Chatbot.

Please replace the values beginning with an asterisk * with secret name you want to view.



get me the vault secret

i want to retrieve all my secrets

retrieve vault secret

show all vault secrets

show me *testsecret secret

show me *testsecret vault secret

show me the vault secret

show me *testsecret secret

show secrets

show vault secret

view all my secret

view all my secrets

view all my vault secrets

view credit card secret

view *testsecret vault secret

view my password secret

view my secret

view my secret with name *testsecret

view my vault secrets

view note secret

view secret

view vault secret

want to retrieve secrets

Things to Manage

Please input any of the supported commands below to trigger the Things to Manage workflow.



things i can manage

things to manage

Things to Do

Please input any commands below to trigger the Things to Do workflow.



bot selfservice

get access to managementrolesdefinitions

groups request access

management roles and definitions request access

request access groups

request management roles and definitions access

self service bot

self-service bots

things to do



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