Create & View Shared Credential

Create & View Shared Credential


Shared credentials are encrypted user names and passwords for privileged accounts that your organization has vaulted. EmpowerID chatbot allows you to create shared credentials using the Chatbot. Please follow the instructions below to create & view the shared credential.

Create Shared Credential

Supported Commands: The Chatbot can understand texts and sentences like create shared credential, create shared creds and will start the Create Shared Credential workflow. Please find information about the supported commands here in the docs Chatbot Commands .

  1. Type help in the Bot to bring the options menu.

  2. Click on Create Shared Credential button on the card.


  3. Please provide the necessary information to create the Shared Credential. Click on Submit to save and create the shared credential.

  4. You will receive a message indicating that the shared credential was created successfully.

View Shared Credential

Supported Commands: The Chatbot can understand texts and sentences like get shared creds, retrieve creds and will start the View Shared Credential workflow. Please find information about the supported commands here in the docs Chatbot Commands .

  1. Type help in the Bot to bring the options menu.

  2. Click on the View Shared Credential button on the card.


  3. Please provide the Name of the Shared Credential to view the shared credential.


  4. Enter the necessary details for Checkout Credential.


  5. After the successful Checkout Credential, Bot will display the details of the Shared Credential.


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