Publish Items to the IT Shop

Resources must be published to the IT Shop before eligible users can shop for access to those resources. Thus, when setting eligibility for a resource, you should make sure the resource is published. If it is not, you can make it available by setting the Publish in IT Shop property to true.

This article demonstrates how to publish common items to the IT Shop by publishing an application.

Publish the item

  1. On the navbar, expand Single Sign-On and click Applications.

  2. From the Applications tab of the Find Applications page, search for the application you want to enable for the IT Shop.

  3. Click the Display Name link for the application.


    This directs you to the View page for the application. This page allows you to view and manage information about the application. Notice Publish In IT Shop is set to False.


  4. In the General pane, click the Display Name link to put the application in Edit mode.


  5. On the Edit page, scroll to the Optional Settings pane and select Publish in IT Shop.


  6. Click Add to Cart.

  7. Click the Cart icon to open your cart.

  8. Add a reason for the update to the application and then click Submit.


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IT Shop