Requesting Shared Credentials

Requesting Shared Credentials

Shared credentials are encrypted user names and passwords for privileged accounts that have been vaulted by your organization. When you request a shared credential, you are requesting to "check-out" the credential. If approved, you are able to see and use those credentials for specified period of time. 

To request a shared credential

  1. From the navbar, expand Privileged Access and click Request Access.
  2. Click the Credentials tab and then search for the credentials for which you want to request access.

  3. Click the record for the shared credential to select it and then click Request Access.

  4. If prompted for your master password, enter it and then click OK.

    This opens the Request Check-Out dialog.

  5. In the Request Check-Out dialog that appears, do the following:
    1. Access Begins — Select the date and time you want the access to begin.
    2. Time Requested (Minutes) — Enter the time needed in minutes for your session. 

      The max time allowed in the above image is 2880 minutes. However, this depends on your organization's policy so what you see may 

    3. Justification — Enter the reason for your access request.
    4. Click OK.

  6. Your request is routed for approval. Once it is approved, you will receive an email notification of the approval and can begin using the credentials.

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