Approval Flow Steps



Step Parent (Preceding Step)

Specifies a preceding step (if any) that must be acted upon before the current step is available for an approval decision.

Approval Step

Dropdown for adding the desired approval step to the Approval policy.

If Approver is Initiator and Target Person

Specifies the approval action that should occur if the person who is designated as an approver is both the initiator and the target of the request. Options include:

  • Send for Approval (selected by default) – Routes the request for approval to each designated approver.

  • Remove from approvers – Removes the approval capability from the person; other designated approvers must render an approval decision.

  • Automatically Approve – Directs the system to approve the request without requiring a human decision.

If Approver is Target Person

Specifies the approval action that should occur if the person who is designated as an approver is the target of the request. Options include:

  • Send for Approval (selected by default) – Routes the request for approval to each designated approver.

  • Remove from approvers – Removes the approval capability from the person; other designated approvers must render an approval decision.

    • Automatically Approve – Directs the system to approve the request without requiring a human decision.

If Approver is Approver

Specifies the approval action that should occur if the person who is designated as an approver is the initiator of the request. Options include:

  • Send for Approval (selected by default) – Routes the request for approval to each designated approver.

  • Remove from approvers – Removes the approval capability from the person; other designated approvers must render an approval decision.

  • Automatically Approve – Directs the system to approve the request without requiring a human decision.

Allow Item Level Approval

Specifies whether the step can allow Item-level approval, enabling the approver to make decisions on each item instead of a single decision for the entire Business Request.

Allow Add Approvers

Specifies whether an approver or admin user can add other users as approvers for the step.

Allow Assign Task

Specifies whether an approver or admin user can assign the task to other users for an approval decision.

Can Edit Length of Access

Specifies whether an approver or admin user can change the time period access is granted for the access request.

Step Decision Workflow

Specifies the workflow to be run for the approval step, if any. If a workflow is selected, approvers must run the workflow to render an approval decision.

Approver Recalculation Interval

Specifies the period of time to elapse before the Approval engine recalculates and updates eligible approvers for the step.

Auto-Approve Decsion if Approver Previously Approved

Specifies whether the approval engine automatically approves the step if an approver previously approved the request.