AD Attributes
The values shown in the Person Attribute drop-down list include every type of attribute that could associated with an EmpowerID Person; however, not all EmpowerID Person attributes correspond to attributes in Active Directory. Here is a list of the Person attributes and what each attribute corresponds to in Active Directory (if any):
EmpowerID Person Attribute | Active Directory Attribute |
AboutMe | N/A |
BirthName | N/A |
CarLicense | carLicense |
City | l |
Company | company |
Country | co |
CustomAttribute1 through 9 | N/A |
CustomAttribute27 | thumbnailPhoto |
Department | department |
DepartmentNumber | departmentNumber |
Description | description |
Division | division |
EmailAlias | mailNickname |
EmployeeID | employeeID |
EmployeeIDOther | N/A |
EmployeeType | employeeType |
ExtensionAttribute1 - 27 | extensionAttribute1 - 15 and 20 |
Fax | facsimileTelephoneNumber |
FirstName | givenName |
FriendlyName | displayName |
Gender | N/A |
GenerationalSuffix | generationQualifier |
HomeTelephone | homePhone |
IMAddress | N/A |
Initials | initials |
LastName | sn |
Login | samAccountName |
MiddleName | middleName |
MobilePhone | mobile |
Notes | info |
Office | physicalDeliveryOfficeName |
POBox | postOfficeBox |
Pager | pager |
PersonalTitle | personalTitle |
PhotoURL | N/A |
PositionCode | N/A |
PostalCode | postalCode |
PreferedFirstName | N/A |
PreferredLastName | N/A |
Province | province |
SIPAddress | N/A |
SecondLastName | N/A |
State | st |
Status | N/A |
StreetAddress | streetAddress |
StreetAddress2 | N/A |
telephone | telephoneNumber |
Title | title |