Email Wildcard Tokens
Text inside braces, for example, {BusinessProcessID} and {CurrentOperationName} in our example, represents a placeholder for a value to retrieve from the current record. We call these email wildcard tokens. When the email is sent, the braces and text are replaced with the retrieved values. To preserve these values, do not change the text inside braces. EmpowerID includes some built-in email wildcard tokens that you can use in creating custom e-mail messages, as shown in the below table.
Wildcard Token | Value |
ViewTaskDetailsServerURL | URL of the server for viewing task details |
TaskRespondServerURL | URL of the server for task response |
TaskRejectServerURL | URL of the server for task rejection |
TargetResourceName | Name of the target resource |
InitiatorComments | Comments entered by the initiator of the request |
WorkflowTitle | Name of the workflow |
WorkflowDisplayName | Friendly name of the current business process |
ReferringURL | Referring URL for the request |
ApprovalURL | URL for the approver |
RequestManagerLink | URL for the manager of the requestor |
EmpowerIDWebServerName | Name of the EmpowerID Web server |
AttributeModificationsSummary | Summary of attribute modifications made |
Executor | The actor / approver executing the workflow
RequestWorkflow | the name of the request workflow
RequestWorkflowID | the ID of the request workflow |
Initiator | the Person initiating the workflow
Requestor | the Person requesting the action that initiated the workflow
OperationsPendingApproval | Name of the operations pending approval |
BusinessProcessID | ID for the business process |
DateTimeInitiated | Date and time the current business process was initiated |
IsConfidential | Specifies whether the current business process is confidential |
BusinessProcessTask | Name of the business process task
WorkflowMessage1 | Content of a specified workflow message |
WorkflowMessage2 | Content of a specified workflow message |
WorkflowMessage3 | Content of a specified workflow message |
LogonName | Logon name for the Person to whom the email is sent |
FriendlyName | Friendly name of the Person to whom the email is sent |
PasswordExpires | Date when the password expires for the Person to whom the email is sent |
CurrentOperationName | Name of the current operation |