Recertification Dashboard Page Details

  • Dashboard – The dashboard provides a visual overview of the status of the selected Recertification policy and includes the following information:

    • Audit – Audit to which the policy is attached

    • Due Date – Date the audit is due

    • Due In – Number of days, hours and minutes left before the audit is due

    • Policy Type – Recertification policy type, such as Group Membership

    • Started – Date the audit started

    • Compiled – Date and time the system compiled the Recertification policy

    • Successful Compilation – Whether the system successfully compiled the Recertification policy

    • Process Status – Status of the Recertification process

    • Locked By Server – Lists the EmpowerID server that processed the policy

    • Attestation tasks per Audit Attestation policy – Displays the total number of recertification tasks generated for the policy

    • Total Completed Attestation Tasks in Audit Attestation Policy – Displays the number of recertification tasks that have been completed

    • Average Completed Attestation Tasks in Audit Attestation Policy

    • Total Certification Decisions for Policy – Displays a chart of the total number of unreviewed, certified and revoked decisions currently made

    • Total Tasks by Decisions for Policy – Displays a chart of tasks generated for the policy and their status

    • Top 10 people counts – Display the usernames of the top 10 people in the policy who need to be recertified (Open Recertifications) or who have been recertified (Completed Recertifications)

    • Total progress for the policy

  • Certifications – Provides a grid view with links to the recertification tasks belonging to the policy