Attribute-Based Policy Details Page Controls

Page Element


General Panel

Provide general overview about the policy to include the following:

  • Name – Name of the policy

  • Is Enabled – Whether the policy is enabled; True or False

  • Policy Type – Action granted by the policy, such as Member

  • Auto-Approve – Whether the system approves the action for users meeting the conditions of the policy; True or False

  • Last Success – Displays the date and time of the last successful compilation of the policy

  • Last Attempt – Displays the date and time the system last tried to compile the policy

  • Next Compilation Time – Displays the date and time the system will recompile the policy

  • Last Error – Displays the last error to occur during compilation, if any

  • Locked by Server – Displays the EmpowerID server that compiled the policy

  • Assignee Member Policy ID – GUID of the policy

Attribute Conditions (Field Types)

Accordion that allows you to view and create policy rules that set the attribute conditions needed to be met in order to be added to the target of the policy

Field Type Values for Policy

Accordion that lists the field type values for the policy as specified by the attribute conditions

Attribute-Based Membership Inbox

Accordion that lists users and other EmpowerID actors that meet the conditions specified by the selected field types and have been added to the inbox for processing. The inbox is only populated when the policy is enabled.

Preview Proposed Changes

Accordion that allows you to view what would occur if the policy is enabled.