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EmpowerID User Guide

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EmpowerID Admin Guide

Admin Guide

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EmpowerID Developer Guide

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EmpowerID Training

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EmpowerID Microservices

EmpowerID is transforming from a single monolithic application into a loosely coupled, but well-integrated suite of small services known as microservices. 

Find out how our new Azure License Manager can help you save up to 50% on Microsoft Office 365 license costs by identifying and reallocating all inactive, over-sized and duplicate licenses and automating license management using flexible policies.

The IT Shop brings a familiar shopping cart experience to the access request process. Users simply search for the resources they need, add items to their cart and submit their requests. 

The My Tasks microservice provides a central location from which users can view the status of their access requests, make and respond to comments about those requests, and in situations where they are designated approvers, approve or reject access requests submitted by other users.

The My Identity microservice provides a central location from which users can view relative information about themselves, create permanent delegations for business requests tasks for which they are an approver that route those tasks to others for approval, as well as allows them to personalize the number and frequency of email notifications they receive about those business tasks.