Azure Snippets

Azure Snippets





Name of the app role

Report Writer

Allowed Member Types

Specifies whether the app role can be assigned. Options include:

  • Default

  • Users/Groups

  • Applications

  • Both (Users/Groups) + Applications



Specifies the value of the roles claim that the application should expect in the token



Description of the app role

Writers can create reports

Application Role Requestable in IAM Shop

Specifies whether users can request the role in the IAM Shop


Select A Location

Select a location in EmpowerID for the application role. This location is for RBAC delegation only.
If there is a location selected by default and you wish to change it, click the link for the location and then search for and select the desired location from the Location tree.

EmpowerID Applications

Assignee Type


Business Role and Location

Select this assignee type when assigning to everyone in a Business Role and Location.


Select this assignee type when assigning to everyone in a group.

Management Role

Select this assignee type when assigning to everyone in a Management Role.

Management Role Definition

Select this assignee type when assigning to each Management Role that has the definition as its parent. Each person in the child Management Roles receives access.


Select this assignee type when assigning to a specific person.

Query Based Collection

Select this assignee type when assigning to everyone in the Query-Based Collection.




Scope Name

Name of the scope


Who Can Consent

Specifies the types of users who can consent to the scope. Options include:

  • Admins and Users – Select if users can consent to the scope

  • Admins Only – Select if higher privileges are required for consent

Admins and Users

Admin Consent Name

Name of the consent that appears to admins

Read Email Calendar

Admin Consent Description

Description of the consent that appears to admins

Application can read your Email Calendar

User Consent Display Name

Name of the consent that appears to users

Read Email Calendar

User Consent Description

Description of the consent that appears to users

Application can read your Email Calendar

Select A Location

Select a location in EmpowerID for the application role. This location is for RBAC delegation only.
If there is a location selected by default and you wish to change it, click the link for the location and then search for and select the desired location from the Location tree.

EmpowerID Applications

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