Deployment and Configuration of EID Bot Library

You will fill in the missing configuration values later. Note that the initial JSON content in the editor may “[ ].” Please remove this before adding the content below.

[ { "name": "AzRedisCache", "value": "", "slotSetting": false }, { "name": "CosmosDbAuthKey", "value": "", "slotSetting": false }, { "name": "CosmosDbContainerId", "value": "", "slotSetting": false }, { "name": "CosmosDbDatabaseId", "value": "", "slotSetting": false }, { "name": "CosmosDbEndpoint", "value": "", "slotSetting": false }, { "name": "EnableMultitenancy", "value": "true", "slotSetting": false }, { "name": "KeyVaultUrl", "value": "", "slotSetting": false }, { "name": "MicrosoftAppId", "value": "", "slotSetting": false }, { "name": "MicrosoftAppPassword", "value": "", "slotSetting": false }, { "name": "SupportsUserTenantMapping", "value": "false", "slotSetting": false }, { "name": "WEBSITE_HEALTHCHECK_MAXPINGFAILURES", "value": "10", "slotSetting": false }, { "name": "WEBSITE_HTTPLOGGING_RETENTION_DAYS", "value": "2", "slotSetting": false }, { "name": "WEBSITE_LOAD_USER_PROFILE", "value": "1", "slotSetting": false } ]

The Partition key should be “/id,” as shown below.

You can typically find the package in the location EmpowerID\WFS\EmpowerID Product Packages\Mobile Manager\Microservice v3\.